Download free textbooks online

03/03/2012 13:07

Is it time to buy new textbooks? Before you start paying, surf to where you can download free online textbooks. Currently they offer around 500 books in 30 categories and 7 languages. Their collection consists of textbooks for engineering, business and computer science students. All textbooks are available in pdf which makes them easy to read on your computer, ipad or e-reader. If you rather read them on paper you can simply print them.

On you can search and download online textbooks in categories ranging from accounting, economics and statistics to civil engineering, mathematics and IT. The textbooks are written for undergraduate or graduate students by professors from universities in Europe and the United States. In many of the books exercises and worked out examples are included, which can help you when you are preparing for exams. Besides textbooks as well offers business books and travel guides, all freely available as pdf ebooks.

All textbooks published by are written solely for the publisher. Authors are professors from universities in both Europe and the United States. All textbooks are available for free due to a small number of advertisements which are placed in the books.