Life saver for marketing students

09/03/2012 22:09

Are you having difficulties as a marketing student to make ends meet in these challenging economic times? Besides the intuition fee, you need to pay your rent, computer and meals, and this while you don’t have that much time to work. Moreover every new semester you need to buy new expensive textbooks which you will only use for about three months. Last month I found a life saver for all you students out there. Check out Bookboon, a website where they offer more than 500 online textbooks 100% for free.

How does this work?

You might be a bit reluctant on using free textbooks for obtaining your university degree. Believe me, I know your feelings. However the textbooks they are offering turned out to be very good. For my marketing and media study I have been using their marketing books, and I wish I would have found them last year when I started at university. At the moment they offer around 20 marketing books, which give a full overview on the most important marketing topics which are discussed during lectures. For instance on strategic marketing and marketing research. All their textbooks are written by professors who are teaching the subjects themselves. I’m excited to hear what you think, and how much money you saved!